Utility-keeper’s wisdom

The following text refers to some guidelines I developed in the past years, outlining my thinking behind the products and services of my company.
I would not say that this is a mission statement of my company, but a compass, when engaging in developing new things.

In short

Developing and offering useful products for a faire price. Oriented, towards profit making, but not maximizing profit.


The courage, to start something new as an experiment – small but with big objectives.

Bold enough to grow into something big – but not under all circumstances. And it will always cost something to get profit. Time, money, nerves.

Risks and mistakes can lead to a loss as big as wanted profit. Type and size of the business model define the level of impact.


  • Implement privacy by design and privacy by choice
  • Use ads and marketing in a usefull way for the user, respecting privacy
  • Set low barriers for direct user engagement
  • Be transparent when using third party services in products
  • Simplify the design of products and services
  • Gradually reduce the complexity of service structure for new or changed products

Long term actions

  • Develop good partnerships with clients and business partners
  • Drive innovation and collaboration before cheap me–too solutions
  • Always check for opensource concepts before proprietary solutions

Motivation and reward

  • Any failed prototype prevents you from going in the wrong direction
  • Acknowledge that good services take time and need to be continuously adjusted
  • Know, that a good price for products with increased quality is higher than the average market price

If it really does not work

You got an experience, when trying. And you can tell a story to others, which might lead to great conversations, rather than boring small talk.

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